
Live your Soulmission – Human Design x ThetaHealing

Original price was: 85,00 €.Current price is: 70,00 €.



Live your Soulmission – Human Design x ThetaHealing

In this Workshop you understand your soulmission and start to act in alignment with your higher purpose.

Through the techniques of HumanDesign you learn about your individuality and your unique way of working.
You learn about how you not only communicate with your clients and the people you want to serve as well as how you are able to activate your abundance and wealth through living in alignment with your personality.

You activate the consciousness in this areas of life.
Since you are aware on new aspects of your personality you are invited to bring your subconscious mind into new alignment.
In a ThetaHealing-Session you bring your mindset into a new awareness which is supporting you lovingly in the new action-steps

Last but not least we have a look on how you are able to integrate the upcoming steps into your life.

Are you ready for learning more about your Soulmission?

This is the schedule:

  • Arriving in the School of Unified Healing (
  • Having the 3-hour workshop in the space upstairs
  • Shared dinner in the dining-room (food included)

What you will learn:

  • Unlock your HumanDesign-Chart according to…
    • Your Presence
    • How you communicate in the best way
    • How you activate abundance in your life
    • How you teach in the most fitting way
    • What truly brings your joy in your private and work-life
    • How you create a product which is in alignment with your truth

Please bring:

  • Your Journal and pen
  • Your HumanDesign-Chart (on phone or printed)

What you get:

  • 3 hours Workshop (3pm until 6pm)
  • Your Workbook for working with your HumanDesign-Chart oriented to your Soulmission
  • Food inclusive (Buffet)
  • A life-changing experience

1 Day Workshop

  • Unlock your Lives Mission with HumanDesign & ThetaHealing
  • Unlock 1 Code and have 1 Healing Session according to the sign 
  • What is your perfect product – how do you create in alignment with your truth?


Online: 1.5 Mil IRP (Food Included) – if the payment does not work, please let me know here: or on Instagram: Charlotte.Mahr
At the doors: 1.5 Mil IRP

I am looking forward to see you on Sunday.

Your Charlotte

2101 Sales – THA Upsell