IHA • The Affiliate-Program

Welcome to your overview of the affiliate-program of The Institute of Healing Arts.
Here you do find the clarity for how you do share valuable information. Enjoy!

Benefits for You and Your Company:

  • More time for yourself and your loved ones
  • More money to live in freedom
  • Unforgettable and touching feedback
  • Luxurious adventures and experiences for you and your beloved ones
  • Offering bonus value for the audience

Value for your Audience

To provide the Audience the maximum of value in our co-creation, this are the main topics we do serve…

  • Learning on how to transform beliefs as well as energy experienced within health, relationship and business
  • Opening the opportunity to deepen the knowledge which was shared in the Talk/Intro & Outro
  • Creating a life in mental health, new aligned life-choices as well as bringing visions into reality
  • Down below you do find the offer we do provide: The training to become a Healing Practitioner
  • Getting the certification to work with clients location-independent and in a sensitive way

We do invite you to share a free 20-30 minute Entré/Workshop on the Online-Campus of The Institute of Healing Arts.
You do receive all information right here.

Part II: The Affiliate-Program

What is an Affiliate-Program?

In our Affiliate-Program you do have the opportunity to share the value we do provide – and receiving as an expression of gratitude a part of the generated income.

As part of our mission to make Healing accessible for thousands of people we are happy to share the up-builded connections, value and prestige as well as effect and income. In the following part you will find out how our Affiliate-Program works and what is in it for you.

The Testing and the Extension-Phase

Our Affiliate-Program is divided into 2 parts, to build up trust, test the conversion with your audience and then widening the success.
The first part, the “Testing” is the version where we do work with an amount of 100 subscribers. In the Extension-Phase we do extend the amount of subscribers.

If you mainly do use Social Media Plattforms you can share the link directly with your whole audience.

Your Testing-Phase

If you prefer to test with 100 subscribers you are invited to test the flow with 100 mail-subscribers.

The next step is the extension-phase.

Your Income
When you do spark this amount of clicks, this will happen…
Your income per student (you get 10-20%)
20% with Intro & Outro
400 – 600€/

Numbers of new students enrolled through you
Price-Drop for your Community if you do want to
4.400 – 6.600€

Number of calls which are generated
Income in total1.600 – 2.400€/

Number of enrollments in the masterclass 30

Clicks on the landingpage through you100

The Extension-Phase

After we were testing the numbers and the conversion you now can bring in more clicks. This can look like this.

Your Income
When you do spark this amount of clicks, this will happen…
Your income per student (your get 10-20%)
20% with Intro & Outro
400 – 600€/

Numbers of new students through you
Price-Drop for your Community if you do want to

Number of calls which are generated
Your Income in total7.200-10.800€/14.400-21.400€
Number of enrollments in the masterclass 150

Clicks on the landingpage through you500

If you mainly do use a Social Media Plattform you can share the link directly with your whole audience.

Part III: The Entré

In the Entré we do want to invite you to share your experience of the topic/connection with your brand of the Entrés of your choice. It is optional but a recommendation from our side.

Here you do find information about the individualised Healing we do offer after the Talk.

This is, what will be adjusted according to the main energetic topic which we were talking about in the interview/recording:

  • Intro (will be edited into the beginning of the presentation) • duration 2-5 min
    • Sharing about yourself and presenting your personal story
    • Why mental health is important/no brainer
    • You do find the preset/recommendation in the next section
  • Outro (will be edited in the end of the presentation) • duration 2-5 min
    • Feedback to the energetic transformation
    • “Special Price Drop” for the community – quote of the AP (if you do decide for the 20%)
      • Sharing about the meaning and why it is recommended and celebrated

Content of the Entré

Please decide if you do want to share the Entré in English or German.

  • Spiritual Development – Higher Sense Activation (EN) Bestseller
  • Deine Hellsinne Activation (DE) Bestseller

Entrés – Have a look-book


Here you do get your access to the Higher Sense Activation.

Higher Sense Activation

Note: It is also possible to adjust the Entré to your flavour together. A Entré should be an highlight for your community and the IHA is devoted to share the the topics of education, healing, health, business-development and spirituality. If you do have special wishes, send us notes in your mail (Testing Phase).
We can let your favourite aspects stand out.

If you do decide for the 20% we will integrate your Intro and Outro as well and you do get a new link to the activation.

The Campus of The Institute of Healing Arts

This is, what our students are learning in our program:

Training to become a Healing Practitioner (6-month training)
Healing Practitioner • Spiritual And Business Education

In the 6 month training our students do learn on how they do heal themselves, understand their beloved ones deeper, creating healing sessions and ceremonies within their own style and generating income through mental, energetic and sensitive work.

The training has a duration of 200h. In this time healing sessions, mini-achievements and a wide spectrum of learnings will be taught. Our students do get a hands on training to be then able to be in the knowledge on how to design and instruct their own sessions and sensitive work.

The Step-by-Step-Guidance

You are invited to send us your decisions related to:

  • Your name, your vibe, your tribe – a conclusion, if we don’t already know
  • Your amount of subscribers you do want to share the free Entré with on social-media (and views) and your maillist
  • Fill out your data in our affiliate-program: https://charlymahr.com/affiliates/
    • Your overview of the new students and payment

What you do receive:

  • Your free access to the Entré on our Online-Campus
  • Your Affiliate-Code to share with your community
  • If you do want to you get a Mail-Pre-set for your subscribers/your social media channel with the code integrated to share on Social Media – let us know. You get one.

What’s next?

  • Send it the content out to your subscribers/social media followers
  • Share the Affiliate-Link in your style

In the Affiliate Program you do see the tracking of the performance, the conversion and how many students were joining through you.

Register as Affiliate


Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.


Your primary password, used for logging in.

Your account will need to be approved before you can earn Referrals. You'll receive an email once it's approved.

Intro & Outro

You are invited to record the Intro as well as the Outro. Each should have a length of maximum 5 minutes.

Benefit of the Intro and Outro is to build up a more intimate experience with the audience. This is an optional step – we do recommend to invest the 5 minutes for your audience.

You do find the guidelines on what information you are about to share in the Intro and Outro above.

Your Payment

You will receive the first payment which is generated through your mail list/subscribers on the 1st/15th of each month on your linked account.

Next to the financial benefits you will also receive touching feedback from your audience. We are excited to make a significant change for the audience.

In unstoppable love,
Charlotte & The Team of the Institute of Healing Arts

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