The Mail-Flow
What you need to take care on:
- You should give each mail a title – because it is one sequence all mails should have a similar title (for example 3000; 3001; 3002 and so on)
Mail 1 – Approval of the new Subscriber
“Hey (subscriber),
Thank you for joining the Higher-Sense-Activation.
To send you your access to the Online-Campus direclty confirm your mail-address:
Klick on this confirmation-link
Thank you,
(Your name)”
What you need next to this mail:
- A page for the confirmation. It can have a simple text:
Thank you for registration.
You are all set up. In the next minutes you will receive a mail with details on attending your activation.
Looking forward to see you there!”
Mail 2 – The Welcome-Mail
In this mail you share all details about your offer.
Ideally you share the top 5 key-points and why your student should watch the entré or book the call.
“Hey (subscriber),
So great to have you here.
In this Higher-Sense-Activation you will experience a fully new experience of yourself, your energy as well as the awareness on how you are able to work with your spiritual abilities.
Before you start:
Enjoy this activation with an inner openness: You are able to experience a significant difference in your life. This is your chance to create a fully new experience. Enter the space with excitement and readiness. Right now is your chance to create a new free, spiritual-connected and abundant living.
You will get clarity in terms of your vision and how you will implement your new abilities as well as you will gain knowledge on how you will go the next steps.
Here you get the access to your Higher-Sense-Activation for your spiritual empowerment.
Click here to get access the Higher-Sense-Activation [EXAMPLE] // Insert the link to your free content-piece
In this activation you…
• Learn a lot about yourself
• Activate your Higher-Sense
• Learn on how you earn more money with your Spiritual Skills
• As well as one bonus for yourself
You get access to the Higher-Sense-Activation when you klick on the link.
This is already everything you need to know. You receive a lot of insights and meaningful experiences in the Higher-Sense-Activation. So enjoy!
In unstoppable love,
Click here to get access the Higher-Sense-Activation [EXAMPLE] // // Insert the link to your free content-piece “
What you need next to this mail:
- The link to your entré (free content piece)
Let’s get started
Let’s get started right now: Write your 2 mails. You get the guidance in your lecture about writing your mail-flow.