To read an energetic field – no matter if it is the aura of a person or another energetic field – it is important to activate the extrasensory perception.
After the reader was getting neutral to receive the most authentic information he or she is about to activate the extrasensory perception. The ESP describes the extension of the human senses like smelling, touching, listening, tasting and seeing. With the Extrasensory Perception the reader is able to be aware of information which show up the most important challenges as well as the most important potentials of the person. As well it is possible to read all information out of the energetic field which were and are present.
Part of the Extrasensory Perception are:
- Clairaudience. The ability to hear with the Extrasensory Perception
- Clairvoyance. The ability to see more with the Extrasensory Perception
- Clairsentience. The ability to feel more with the Extrasensory Perception
- The ability to taste more with the Extrasensory Perception (less known)
- The ability to smell more with the Extrasensory Perception (less known)